
Contact Us

  • Phone: (918) 333-9712
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: 3700 SE Adams Blvd., Bartlesville, Ok 74006




We are disciples of Jesus because someone shared the good news of Jesus with us.  We believe strongly that the call of Jesus is to be disciples who make disciples who make disciples.  For this reason, we are engaged in sharing God’s story to all who will listen both near and far.  Our mission efforts outside of our immediate community focus primarily in three areas.  The first is in Eagle Nest, New Mexico; the second is in the Nation of Albania where we support three separate works; and the third is through World Bible School.

New Mexico 

Eddie Stillwell

Preaching Minister

Moreno Valley
Church of Christ

Damon Waggoner

Youth Minister

Moreno Valley
Church of Christ

The Moreno Valley Church of Christ is nestled between Angel Fire and Eagle Nest, New Mexico.  It is a ten hour drive from Bartlesville making it an ideal site for us to regularly send teams from our church to serve the needs of the church and communities there. While this is a relatively new work for us, we look forward to many years of successful partnership with this effort.



Shkelquim (Cimi) & Anila Kafexhiu work with the Church of Christ in downtown Durres, Albania

We have found Albania to be a fertile field for mission work.  The Albanian people are extremely friendly and receptive to the good news of Jesus Christ.  Albania is a beautiful country sitting on the east side of the Adriatic Sea.  We endeavor to send a team of our members to work with the various churches there at least once a year.


World Bible School

WBS is a Bible correspondence program where lessons are mailed out to students who complete them and then return them.  Our team grades these lessons, answers questions students may have and then sends the next lesson. The WBS program here at Adams is one of the largest in the country sending out tens of thousands of lessons each year.  We have over 30 of our members engaged in the program on a weekly basis.