Contact Us
- Phone: (918) 333-9712
- Email:
- Mailing Address: 3700 SE Adams Blvd., Bartlesville, Ok 74006
Family Focus
(weekly bulletin)
Family Directory
(interactive, live-updated, family photos included, password protected)
Giving Options
(online and other giving options)
Shepherd Job Description (updated 03-08-2023)
(job description for Adams Blvd shepherds)
Shepherd By Laws (updated 03-08-2023)
(selection process, term requirements, qualifications, etc.)
Catalyst Class Resources
(David Herrick's spring/summer 2023 class resources)
RightNow Media Access
(free Bible study video resources for all members, families, and friends)
Shepherds' Women's Roles Study Resource List (updated 01-10-2022)
(list of resources, links to documents, class video links, password protected)