Welcome to ADAMS STUDENT MINISTRIES. We’re glad you’re interested in our church and our youth ministry. ASM partners with families to help our students grow into men and women who are passionate about following God. Our ministry is structured around truths we see in the life of Christ.
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Connecting Students to Students
- Jesus’ disciples were the first youth group. And his group of ragtag teens changed the world.
- Teens decide whether or not to plug into a ministry based on the way they are treated by other students. For this reason, we work hard to be a safe group that is welcoming and inclusive of every student who walks through the door.
- We want our group to be a place that teens can feel comfortable inviting their friends. We have a laid-back atmosphere, relevant teaching, and a lot of fun.
Connecting Students to Adults
- While Jesus had twelve apostles, he had three who were especially close to him. He gave special instruction to these three young men and equipped them for ministry.
- Research has shown that teens who retain their faith after high school have at least five Christian adults who instruct them in faith and who they look to for leadership.
- We have a large team of parents and adult volunteers who are choosing to be involved in the lives of our students to disciple them in the Way of following Jesus.
Connecting Students to Christ
- Jesus’ call was to “come follow me” and that’s what it’s all about.
- This is the most important thing we do, but it’s third on the list for a reason. Teens need to belong before they will decide what they believe. For this reason, our student ministry puts a heavy emphasis on being a community of Christians and letting the community be the driving force in evangelism.
- We want every teen we meet to become a personal follower of Jesus, and we talk about it all the time. But more than that, we model discipleship in our group. This lets teens experience the goodness of God before taking the plunge.
Connecting Students in Their Community
- Jesus sent his followers out to serve and tell others about the Kingdom of God.
- The fastest way to become passionate about following Christ is by getting close to the people and causes the Jesus cared about.
- We place a high emphasis on serving in our community. Teens are regularly encourage to serve at school, at church, in public places, and on mission trips.